It seems that politicians are much more interested in the concerns of special interest groups than with those of their own constituents. Why is it that the largest corporations and trade associations in this country have so much power over the way Congress votes? I completely appreciate that these companies are, in many ways, vital to the American economy. They provide large shares of our GDP and employ many of our citizens. But the Constitution—for good reason—charges elected representatives to represent the people, not the private sector. Often, the interests of profit-maximizing corporations directly oppose the public interest. But the voice of the public interest pales in comparison to those of special interests, or at least it falls upon all-too-deaf ears.
But that’s really not good enough. Corporations should have a voice in Congress, but only to the extent that their dealings help the national economy and help keep people working. Unfortunately, much more powerful factors are also at work that shouldn’t be. The whole concept of campaign contributions has completely reshaped our democracy. There have been many laws put forth, and several passed, by those "moral" politicians mentioned above, which seek to reform campaign financing, but they are few and far between, and do not address the some of most pressing of the problems.
Money from organizations and corporations given to political campaigns needs to be dramatically curbed if we want any hope of giving the people a true voice in this country. And in the meantime, let's see to it that there's a great deal more transparency with regard to special interest group visits to Congressional offices, and other aspects of the political process infiltrated by special interests. The political process should have absolutely nothing to do with money. It should be reserved for those who, rich or poor, feel a genuine desire to serve their country. And that means enacting laws that benefit the citizens of this country, not the wealthiest and loudest interest groups.
Images: health care rally (Nashville scene blog), special interests (, money barrow (NorCal blogs)
The day the agribusiness lobby loses it's death-grip on Congress will be a day to remember. Some (possibly poisoned) food for thought:
ReplyDeleteAntibiotic-resistant salmonella, flame-retardant meat:
Flammable chicken nuggets (preview of the Omnivore's Dilemma):
One of the most powerful lobbies, and one that affects the most people on a constant basis. Now why can't small farmers have as strong a voice as these guys? Oh yeah, because they aren't making the same ridiculous profits with massive, unsustainable, and often nutritionally harmful operations.
ReplyDeleteAnother gem from Sarah that shows Google map images of some of the most extreme Ag operations around the country: 10 U.S. food policy destinations
One more onion layer deeper, it is curious to note that the same people who are disenfranchised and adversely affected by factory farms and heavy gov subsidies are the ones that are voting for them in the first place (ala "What's the Matter with Kansas" by Thomas Frank)
ReplyDelete... oh great, now you have me talking like a college person again
This type of political opportunism has been going on in India since Independence. For the last thirty-five years, the political parties have maintained that in order to attain economic parity with the industrially developed countries of Europe, India must follow the democratic system.guarantor loans